Supporting Providers

Maternal Healthcare

Picture of pregnanct woman

Why Choose Mother Goose Health

Mother Goose Health’s technology-enabled care management platform unifies the maternal health ecosystem, facilitating care and alleviating the administrative burden

improve outcomes

improve productivity

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Increase Revenue

Seamlessly integrating with the your EHR and existing workflows, our closed loop approach to realtime risk awareness, and sustained ongoing engagement  connects members with resources, removing barriers to care and enhancing the care experience.

Utilizing sophisticated analytics and validated impact, we optimize performance in alternative payment and value-based care models, increasing revenue for providers.

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Average Logins Per User Per Month


Users Identified with Preterm Birth Risk Factors in 1 st Trimester


Preterm Birth
Rate (<37wks)


Postpartum Visit Attendance Rate

Fully Integrated with OB Care Team

The only solution that seamlessly integrates with providers’ clinical systems, Mother Goose Health’s platform enables proactive adjustments to care plans and access to a network of maternal healthcare services and support.

Our single system, with bi-directional EHR integration does not require providers to log out of their EHR, eliminating the need for multiple dashboards and preserving workflow efficiency.

Ongoing Risk Assessment

Our proprietary, ongoing risk assessment capability, including baseline, ongoing assessments throughout the perinatal period, provides a continuous evaluation of potential risks throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period and expedites intervention.

Single Source of Truth

Mother Goose Health ensures that issues, risks, and referrals are seamlessly added to the patient record in the provider's EHR. This unifies the work of both care management and direct provider within a single source of truth, to improve communications, provide oversight and streamline the decision-making process.

our ecosystem

How it Works

Practical support for both mothers and providers throughout the entire pregnancy journey.

From care management to mental health support as a part of our on demand network, Mother Goose Health brings peace of mind at every step of the way.

Automated Onboarding:

Mother Goose Health ensures a hassle-free onboarding process, requiring no action from providers, allowing them to focus on patient care

EHR Integration:

Bi-directional integration with provider EHR facilitates efficient information  exchange, updating patient records based on clinical and social needs, supporting individualized care

Care Coordination:

Mother Goose Health manages referrals, processes orders through EHR integration, and streamlines the care coordination process across the care continuum to create seamless delivery of care

Missed Appointment Management:

Mother Goose Health tracks missed appointments, encourages care plan compliance, and collaborates with providers to enhance patient attendance

Dedicated Care
Management Team:

A dedicated care management team at Mother Goose Health supports patients and collaborates with providers as needed, ensuring a collaborative approach to patient care

Crucial Patient
Information Access:

Providers can access a wealth of crucial patient information uploaded by Mother Goose Health, including risk assessments, mental health assessments and biometric measurements

Integrated Clinical Programs:

Providers can place orders through their EHR for Mother Goose Health clinical programs, keeping them informed on ancillary services provided and reviewing associated notes in the patient record.

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